Gamification - Game Design

In early October, Prof. Wagner Damiani, Ph.D. kindly invited me to talk about Gamification to his undergrad students of International Program in Management at FGV’s São Paulo School of Business Administration.

It was great to be able to share some ideas about a topic I really like with such brilliant students from around the world.

In this talk I focused on Game Design and tried to explain how Gamification is not only about PBLs (Points, Badges, and Leaderboards):

Players Players: Identifying them and how important they are in a Gamification initiative.

Journey Journey: Guiding the players through the “game”.

Balance Balance: Keeping the players engaged without neither frustrating or boring them. The Fun Zone.

Experience Experience: Fun is engaging, but what can be fun in the context?

Game Elements Game Elements (Examples): It’s not only about points. Are the players always aware of the game elements?

Here are the slides of the presentation:

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